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CCMs are mechanisms for public private partnership in the governance of HIV, Tuberculosis, and Malaria national disease programs.

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CCM-ETHIOPIA > Blog > Events > CCM/E Oversight Committee is Conducting Field Visit to Tigray and Southern Ethiopia Regions from June 3rd to June 7th, 2024.

CCM/E Oversight Committee is Conducting Field Visit to Tigray and Southern Ethiopia Regions from June 3rd to June 7th, 2024.

CCM/E Oversight Committee is Conducting Field Visit to Tigray and Southern Ethiopia Regions from June 3rd to June 7th, 2024.

The purpose of this visit is to oversee the implementation status of grants related to HIV, TB, Malaria, and the Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH) program. The committee will assess progress on key program indicators and financial management practices. Based on their findings, they will provide constructive feedback and actionable recommendations to the Ministry of Health (MOH) and implementing Sub-Recipients (SRs) including regions, EPSA, EPHI, and EFDA. This will contribute to strengthening the overall implementation of Global Fund grants. The oversight activities also aim to ensure efficient utilization and liquidation of the current grant (NFM III) to achieve a 100% disbursement and 100% absorption rate by the end of June 2024.

Selection of regions: The Tigray and Southern Ethiopia regions were chosen for this field visit due to their lower financial performance compared to other regions in the grant implementation process

Planned sites to be visited will be

Regional Health Bureaus
Regional Reference Laboratory
EPSA regional hubs
Selected Hospitals, Health Centers, Health Posts, and community
Key affected population groups

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