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CCM-ETHIOPIA > Blog > Events > Global Fund NFM3 grant implementation

Global Fund NFM3 grant implementation

Implementation period: July 2021-June 2024 

The Global Fund allocated a total of USD 453 M for detecting and treating TB, HIV, and malaria diseases and Resilience and Sustainable System for Health (RSSH) under the NFM3 grant implementation period. The NFM3 grant was completed successfully, and the overall grant absorption rate was 98% as of June 30, 2024, the performance might be higher than this figure when all SOEs are collected from SRs.The absorption rate by grant, malaria has the highest absorption (99%), followed by HIV grant (98%), and TB and RSSH grants have a 96% absorption rate. Good PR leadership commitment, CCM/E coordination, decision, and follow-up are major contributing factors to the highest absorption rate. 

Key performance highlights for the NFM3 Global fund investment, (Data Source: routine program data)

HIV program

  • 520,979 PLHIV clients received Anti-Retro viral Treatment
  • 20,665 HIV Exposed infants tested within 0 to 2 months
  • 32,787 Mothers received PMTCT service

 TB program

  • 380,655 new and relapse TB cases diagnosed and treated
  • 1,885 DR-TB cases notified and treated
  • 18,083 TB/HIV co-infected patients put on ART

Malaria program

  • 16.7 million LLINs distributed
  • Conducted effective Indoor Residual Spraying operations

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