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CCMs are mechanisms for public private partnership in the governance of HIV, Tuberculosis, and Malaria national disease programs.

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CCM-ETHIOPIA > Blog > Malaria > Malaria Constituency Members Meeting

Malaria Constituency Members Meeting

  • Date: July 12, 2024
  • Location: Ramada Hotel, Addis Ababa

Meeting Objectives

  1. Finalization of the Malaria network TOR.
  2. Establishment of a task force for RSSH CLM.
  3. Selection of Sub Recipients (SRs) and Sub Sub Recipients (SSRs) for the malaria grant implementation during the Global Fund’s Grant Cycle 7 (GC 7).


  • 15 Malaria constituency representatives

Meeting Summary

Malaria Grant Sub-Recipient Application

The Ministry of Health (MoH) Malaria program team provided guidance on the application process and proposal content for becoming a Sub-Recipient (SR) for the GC7 Malaria Grant. Eligible SRs were advised to focus their proposals on addressing high and moderate malaria burden areas. Constituency representatives discussed both the application process for the Malaria grant and the allocated budget for the program

RSSH CLM Task Force: The constituency explored establishing a Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) Task Force for the RSSH grant, focusing on strengthening community engagement. Two individuals were selected to be part of this task force.

Selection of the SRs and SSRs for the GC 7 Malaria grant implementation: Participants discussed and selected one SR to apply for the MoH Call for Proposal. In addition to the proposal, they also determined:

  • The list of proposed SSRs (organizations working under the selected SR)
  • The geographic area(s) to be covered by the grant

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