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CCM-ETHIOPIA > Blog > Tuberculosis > Strengthening TB Response through Collaboration

Strengthening TB Response through Collaboration

TB Constituency Meeting, Saro Maria Hotel, Addis Ababa April 26th,2024

The TB CSO constituency meeting, held on April 26th, 2024, at the Saro Maria Hotel, brought together stakeholders to discuss critical aspects of TB grant updates and refine the TB constituency members networking drafted TOR.

The one-day consultative meeting included 21 participants representing various organization

Mr. Dagim Damtew (CCM/E Executive Secretary) and Dr. Hilina Mekete (CCM/E Alternate Member and Chair of the TOR Committee) opened the meeting

Key areas of discussion

  • TB GC7 grant update and RSSH grant update Participants received presentations on the status of the GC7 TB Grant and the RSSH Grant for community system strengthening in TB programs. Mr. Mesfin Bekele (MOH) provided an update on the GC7 TB Grant, while Mr. Haile Ayana (MOH) presented details on the RSSH grant
  • TB constituency members networking draft TOR: Dr. Hilina Mekete, Chair of the TOR committee, led the discussion on the draft TB networking TOR. The session involved an open forum for questions, suggestions, and improvements to enrich the document. Members actively participated, offering diverse viewpoints and seeking clarifications. To ensure a comprehensive review, the group agreed to submit their comments with track changes to Mr. Hayelom Assefa for finalization and distribution.

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