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CCMs are mechanisms for public private partnership in the governance of HIV, Tuberculosis, and Malaria national disease programs.

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CCM-ETHIOPIA > Blog > Events > TB Constituency Members Meeting

TB Constituency Members Meeting

Venue: Best Western Hotel, Addis Ababa, July 24, 2024

Meeting Objectives

  • Finalization of the draft Terms of Reference (TOR) for the TB constituency network
  • Update of the CCM/E meeting discussion and Oversight Committee field visit
  • Establishment of a task force for RSSH CLM.


13 TB constituency representatives

Meeting Summary

As a result of the CSOs engagement plan, CSOs expressed a desire to strengthen their network for a stronger impact for people affected by TB. Therefore, to enhance the drafted TOR, it was presented to the attending participants for final feedback and approval. As the presenter indicated, TB incidence has been increasing in the past few years due to various factors. TB-affected and infected key and vulnerable populations cannot be reached solely by the health sector; therefore, a nationwide TB constituency network is necessary.

Participants discussed and agreed on the importance of establishing the TB network. The network will serve as an advisory, oversight, and monitoring body. Membership will be limited to CSOs or national NGOs working on TB, excluding international NGOs and individuals.

To finalize the TOR, participants agreed to add two additional committee members and share the final draft with the larger group.

Update from the 114th regular CCM/E meeting and Oversight field visit report

Mr. Kitaw T/Mariam, a CCM/E member and OC member, updated participants on the agenda and discussions of the 114th CCM/E meeting, as well as the Tigray region field visit report.

RSSH CLM Task Force: The constituency explored establishing a Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) Task Force for the RSSH grant, focusing on strengthening community engagement. Two individuals from the participants were elected by secret ballot to be part of this task force.

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