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CCMs are mechanisms for public private partnership in the governance of HIV, Tuberculosis, and Malaria national disease programs.

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CCM-ETHIOPIA > Blog > Meeting > The 22nd CCM/E Oversight Committee Regular Meeting

The 22nd CCM/E Oversight Committee Regular Meeting

The 22nd CCM/E Oversight Committee (OC) held a regular meeting with Principal Recipient (PR) and Sub-Recipients (SRs) on August 15, 2024, at the Best Western Hotel in Addis Ababa. The meeting brought together 25 participants, including OC members, CCM/E secretariat staffs, PRs’ program, M&E, PSM, and finance focal points, as well as key Federal Level Implementing Entities.


The aim of the meeting were to:

  • Review the performance and status of Global Fund grants for HIV, TB, Malaria, and RSSH, including agreed action items and COVID-19 response activities in period 12 of NFM3.
  • Identify emerging challenges and bottlenecks impacting grant implementation.
  • Propose solutions to address identified challenges and recommend actions for the CCM/E.

Key Discussions

The meeting focused on the following areas:

  • Grant Implementation Performance: A comprehensive review of grant implementation performance for period 12 of the New Funding Model (NFM3) was conducted, including programmatic and financial analysis. Participants discussed preparations for the NFM3 closure and the current status of pharmaceuticals and health products stock, including pipeline updates.
  • CCM/E Decision Implementation: Progress on implementing previous CCM/E decisions and action items was assessed.
  • Global Fund Cycle 7 (GC7): Updates on GC7 preparation
  • NFM3 Impact and Lessons Learned: The meeting explored the impact of the NFM3 grant, key lessons learned from implementation, and strategies for ensuring the continuity of essential interventions.
  • Bottlenecks and Challenges: Participants identified emerging challenges and bottlenecks hindering grant implementation and proposed potential solutions.

Next Steps

The committee concluded the meeting by discussing the way forward, including determining specific action points for the PR.

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