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CCMs are mechanisms for public private partnership in the governance of HIV, Tuberculosis, and Malaria national disease programs.

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  • Dembel City Center, 8th floor, office No 812A, Addis Ababa Ethiopia
  • ccmethiopia@gmail.com ccme@ccmethiopia.org ethics.office@ccmethiopia.org
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CCM-ETHIOPIA > Blog > Meeting > Global fund Country team meeting with CSOs Oct 10,2024

Global fund Country team meeting with CSOs Oct 10,2024

Global fund Country team mission has visited Ethiopia on the week of Oct 7- 10,2024.

As part of the agenda of the mission the Global fund Country team has arranged a meeting with   CSOs representatives to discuss on the following agendas: –

  • CSO Engagement update
  • Global fund GC7 implementation preparation and CSOs involvement (HIV, TB, Malaria, and RSSH)
  • CLM implementation
  • Challenges and concerns in CSO engagement
  • Overall reflection about CCM Ethiopia-Processes and Outcomes

The CSOs representative have raised the following issues during the discussion

  • Delay in the GC7 grant implementation, and some bottlenecks created in the process of funding approval particularly budget allocation for the DIC centers.
  • Issues related with macroeconomic policy and the current exchange rate which will affect the program.
  • Delay in the process of Proposal review submitted by CSOs working on Malaria program
  • Lack of transparency in the selection process of the TB grant to be implemented by CSOs.
  • The PR to respect the decision of CCM/E meeting and addressing the complaint raised by the TB CSOs constituency to the PR.

The Global fund country team members has made thorough discussion with the CSO representatives and gave their comments and suggestions on the issues raised by the CSOs and Finally the Global fund country team has agreed to discuss on way forward  with the PR to bring solutions on the DIC implementation bottle necks  and Issues related to Budget  revisions to speed up the grant implementation. 

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