Strengthening Community Systems and Collaboration: HIV Constituency Meeting – April 25th 2024
The HIV CSO constituency meeting, held on April 25th, 2024, at the Saro Maria Hotel, Addis Ababa, focused on crucial topics related to community system strengthening and collaboration among HIV stakeholders
The one-day consultative meeting brought together 21 participants representing various organization
Mr. Dagim Damtew (CCM/E Executive Secretary) and Dr. Girmachew Mamo (CCM/E member, Oversight Committee Vice Chair and CSO Constituency Focal Point) opened the meeting
An interactive session allowed all participants to engage with presenters and organizers through questions and comments
key discussion points were
- HIV GC7 grant update and RSSH grant update: Mr. Haile Ayana (MOH) presented the RSSH Grant and provided updates on the status of the GC7 HIV Grant and the RSSH Grant for community system strengthening while Dr. Zerihun Hika provided an update on the GC7 HIV grant.
- HIV Constituency Members Networking draft TOR: The drafted TOR for the HIV Constituency Members Networking was the center of discussion. The Committee Chair presented the draft TIR, followed by an open discussion for questions, suggestions, and improvements. To facilitate a thorough review, participants split into working groups for in-depth discussions. Each group then presented their feedback to further enrich the TOR. Members agreed to submit their comments with track changes to Mr. Hayelom Assefa, (Community Engagement and coordinator officer, CCM/E )for finalization and distribution